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E3 co-authored whitepaper with ACT-IAC


E3 is proud to announce our contribution to the whitepaper on Talent-As-A-Service (TaaS), published by ACT-IAC's Evolving the Workforce Community of Interest. Titled "Reimagining How the Federal Government Sources, Recruits, and Onboards Talent," the paper opens meaningful discourse on how the government can solve its never-ending issues of

attracting, recruiting, and retaining the best talent. TaaS envisions a shared federal service talent "Pool," discussing the policy, process, and infrastructure needed to enact this change. E3's CEO Etta Edwards proudly announced the whitepaper with the following: "I would like to thank ACT-IAC for the opportunity to contribute E3's recommendations on TaaS. We enjoyed working in tandem with a cross-section of government and private sector to shape out what this looks like, hearing best practices along the way. The federal government faces unique challenges daily, and careers in public service are not as common for future generations. With looming human capital challenges, we can and should look at progressive thought leaders like ACT-IAC, who encourage its community to think creatively around organizational effectiveness and human capital solutions." Also, none of this would have been possible except for Mr. Dave Potts, who organized and led the collaboration." Bravo Dave! Check out the whitepaper here:

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